
Developmental Clinical Consultants: What Now?

What We Offer


By now you truly appreciate how extensive are the needs of your child. The latest evaluation, medication, round of therapy, etc., hasn’t cured him. It has made things better, hopefully, or resolved the latest crisis. Or, maybe you see the slow but steady growth that is helping your child to adapt better at school, make friends, learn to read, or maybe, sleep better at night. That list goes on and on. But each developmental stage seems to bring new challenges that may put the entire family in turmoil. “What now?” you ask.


At the Tarnow Center we are in a unique position to help each family address the question, “What now?” We have been working together for over 25 years with very complicated children and families. Our integrative psychiatric and interdisciplinary approach allows us to assist our families to answer the question and plan for the next stage. We also can often predict what the next challenges will be so that families can more effectively plan for the future.


Let us be your Developmental Clinical Consultants. 


Contact Uyen, Intake Coordinator at 713-621-9515  or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You can also visit her blog at