
Substance Use Disorder

Substance use disorders are classified into two categories: Substance Abuse and Substance Dependence. The substances can include alcohol, illegal drugs, and prescription drugs. Use of illegal drugs is concerning, to be sure, as is alcohol use in minors under the age of 21. But use alone is not necessarily a diagnosable disorder.

Substance Abuse describes a pattern of use that leads to significant problems such as:

  • Failure to attend work or school
  • Risky behaviors while intoxicated, such as driving a car
  • Legal-problems resulting from substance use (arrest, traffic violations, etc.)
  • Use interferes with friendships and/or family relationships

Substance Dependence is the term used when someone continues to use drugs or alcohol, even when significant problems related to their use have developed. Signs of substance dependence include:

  • Needs greater amounts of the substance in order to attain the desired effect
  • Suffers physical and/or psychological symptoms when not under the influence
  • Has tried to quit or cut down, but hasn’t been successful
  • Spends increasing amounts of time trying to obtain the substance
  • Spending less time in social or recreational activities
  • Continues to use the substance even though aware that use causes physical or psychological problems

Some warning signs of substance abuse or dependence may be that someone is:

  • Getting high or drunk on a regular basis
  • Lying, especially about how much they are using or drinking
  • No longer spending time with non-using friends
  • Talking a lot about using drugs or alcohol
  • Believing they need to use or drink in order to have fun
  • Pressuring others to use or drink
  • Having legal problems, particularly related to substance use
  • Driving under the influence of a substance
  • Missing work or school, or performance suffers due to substance use
  • Feeling depressed, hopeless, or having suicidal feelings

If you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself, a friend, or a loved one, a psychological evaluation is recommended. A variety of treatment programs for substance abuse are available on an inpatient or outpatient basis depending upon the extent of the problem. In more serious cases, detoxification may be needed.

For more information about resources in your area, go to: Treatment Programs

To contact one of our clinicians, or to schedule an Intake Evaluation, please click on the links below or call 713-621-9515.