Group Therapy

Social Skills Groups

Social skills aren’t taught in school, although they should be. Learning how to communicate and interact with others is essential for effective self-management. Our social skills groups are available for elementary school, middle school, and high school. Each group aims to develop age-appropriate skills. For example, our younger groups may work on sharing and turn-taking, while our older groups focus on relationships and empathy. Each of our social skills groups includes Parent Only groups every 6 weeks, for parents and clinicians to share thoughts and feedback.

Transitioning to Adulthood

Support Groups for Adolescents and Parents

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Transitioning to adulthood is a complex stage of life.  Adolescents are expected to act with intrinsic motivation towards goal-directed activities.  For those who have attention disorders, learning problems, or other developmental challenges, successful transitions may require special assistance.  Professionals can provide support and preparation for times of change and facilitate the individual’s acquisition of competence during the transition period. 

Groups offer social support, goal-directed challenges, and help in defining personal identity.   Some competencies on the path to successful young adulthood include self-management in the areas of self-care, emotional regulation, social relationships, education, working, and daily living skills.  Regular group attendance provides individuals with the opportunity to prioritize and actively focus on self-determined growth.   Participation is also a preventative measure in the management of stress and addictive behavior.

Beyond groups for adolescents, parent support groups offer guidance in the following areas:

-           Resources (college admissions, employment, independent living)

-           Steps to success

-           Defining individual needs and roles

-           How to tap motivation

-           Managing challenges (screens!) during successful transitioning.

Parent Support Group (2 parents may attend for cost of 1)

9am Friday, January 19 - March 9  

High School Student Groups

1pm Wednesday, January 17 – March 7

6pm Thursday, January 18 - March 8

Fees:  $720 for 8 group sessions

$250 initial consultation for new Tarnow Center client

Printable Flyer



Groups currently running :


Early Elementary Boys - Lynn Ayres, M.Ed. on Wednesdays

Late Elementary - Melissa Gonzalez, Ph.D./Lynn Ayres, M.Ed. on Mondays and W.Walker Peacock, Psy.D. and Lynn Ayres, M.Ed. on Thursdays

Oppositional Boys Group - Ages 5-7 - Caitlin Bailey, M.Ed., LPC FLYER

Oppositional Boys Group - Ages 8-10 - Caitlin Bailey, M.Ed., LPC FLYER

5th Grade Boys - Lynn Ayres, M.Ed. on Wednesdays

Middle School Girls - Melissa Gonzalez, Ph.D. on Wednesdays

Middle School Boys - W.Walker Peacock, Psy.D. on Wednesdays and Thursdays

High School Boys - W. Walker Peacock, Psy.D. on Mondays and Wednesdays

Social Learning Group for Older Adolescents - Sophia K. Havasy, Ph.D. Mondays

College Readiness Group-High School - Sophia K. Havasy, Ph.D. Thursdays

Young Adult Groups - Sophia K. Havasy, Ph.D. Tuesdays and Thursdays

Men's Group - Jay D. Tarnow, M.D. Mondays