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College students, nonprescription stimulants, alcohol- Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Another reason not to start drinking as a teenager- Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Alcohol vs. metabolism. Alcohol wins!- Plos One
Why would parents let their child drink alcohol?- Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Steps to quitting drinking - www.quitalcohol.com
Alcoholism may shorten life more than smoking- NBC news
National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS) "Tools for Parents"
Behavioral Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
American Academy of Pediatrics (2014) Fetal Alcohol spectrum disorders toolkit
Psychopathology vs. antisocial personality- Archives of General Psychiatry
Four-Year Outcome of Teen Anorexia Generally Stable Following Remission, Study Suggests
- APA Psych News Alert
Treating anxiety, depression in preschoolers- Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Psychopharmacology of "anxiety triad" disorders- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America
Mental Distress Can Be Killer - MedPage
Altering the Trajectory of Anxiety in At-Risk Young Children - American Journal of Psychiatry
Math Anxiety Linked With Differences In Brain Functioning, Study Finds
Asperger Syndrome
Asperger Syndrome
Adults With Asperger Syndrome May Be More Likely To Have Suicidal Thoughts, Attempt Suicide
- Health Day News
Contextual elements support EF performance in adult ADHD- Archives of General Neuropsychology
Finding empathy's roots in the brain points to potential therapies- Psychiatric News
A Social Competence Intervention for Young Children with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome: A Pilot Study - autism Journal
Maternal Metabolic Conditions and Risk for Autism and Other Developmental Disorders - Pediatrics
Autism Rate Climbs Again - MedPage
Aspergers and the Adult
Aspergers and the Adult
Attention Deficit Disorder: Adults
Attention Deficit Disorder: Adults
ADHD in Girls and Women
by Attitude Magazine
Metadoxine improves symptoms in adults with ADHD- Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Long-term outcomes in ADHD with treatment and non-treatment- BMC Medicine
Can atomoxetine and stimulants be safely and effectively combined- Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
The importance of early treatment for ADHD- Psychiatric News
The link between ADHD and bipolar disorder- Journal of Affective Disorders
Getting more sleep can help you to pay better attention!- Journal of Neural Transmission
Cognitive behavior therapy effective for adults with ADHD- Current Psychiatry Reports
ADHD, eating pathology, and obesity- Journal of Attention Disorders
Medication-related symptom improvement predicts functional improvement in adults- Psychological Medicine
Contextual Elements Support EF Performance in Adult ADHD
- abstract
No Long-Term Impact of ADHD Meds on the Brain - MedScape
Attention Deficit Disorder: Children
Attention Deficit Disorder: Children
ADHD in Girls and Women
by Attitude magizine
Evaluation of sleep organziation in patients with ADHD and ADHD as a comorbidity of Epilepsy
- MDLinx
ADHD Associated with Maternal Air Pollution Exposure
- APA Headlines
Brains of Adults With Remitted vs Persistent ADHD Are Structurally Different - Psych Congress Network
Rethinking the Colorful Kindergarten Classroom - NYTimes
Methylphenidate treatment in children with adhd disorder and comorbid social phobia - PubMed
Sunlight and ADHD prevalence- British Journal of Psychiatry
Degree of disorganization is associated with poor motor coordination and ADHD- Journal of Child Neurology
Can neuro-imaging measures be used to predict ADHD?- Frontal System Neuroscience
Mechanisms of stimulant/non-stimulant treatment for ADHD- Archives of General Psychiatry
ADHD drug's welcome benefit: Reducing risk of smoking- Journal of Pediatrics
Problems in how boys with ADHD approach new peers- Attention Research Update
Guanfacine XR as part of ADHD therapy found cost effective- Pharmacoeconomics
Atomoxetine reduces symptoms in multiple categories- Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Early stimulant use for ADHD lowers risk of academic decline- Pediatrics
ADHD and anxiety disorders- Journal of Attention Disorders
Parental support for autonomy and task perseverance- Child Psychiatry and Human Development
American Academy of Pediatrics Revises ADHD Guidelines
Childhood ADHD Diagnosis May Foretell Future Problems
Family experiences contribute to development of ODD in ADHD preschoolers
Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) and ADHD Symlptoms
A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Atomoxetine in Young Children with ADHD
No Long-Term Impact of ADHD Meds on the Brain - MedScape
Stability balls improve attention and on-task behavior- American Journal of Occupational Therapy
Reaction time variability may be a robust marker for ADHD- Neuropsychology
Attention Deficit Disorder: Siblings
Attention Deficit Disorder: Siblings
No Long-Term Impact of ADHD Meds on the Brain - MedScape
Adults with autism overcome childhood language challenges
- MDLinx
Brain Inflammation A Hallmark Of Autism, Large-Scale Analysis Shows
- John Hopkins Medicine
Autopsy Study: Brain Inflammation Common in People With Autism
- Fox News
Kids With Autism Have Extra Brain Connections, Study says
- HealthDay
The Kids Who Beat Autism
- NYTimes
Brain Structure Disrupted in Autistic Kids - MedPage Today - The Gupta Guide
Desynchronization of Vision, Sound in Kids with Autism - Psychiatric News Alert
A possibly treatable type of autism- Science
Folic acid linked to lower risk for autism- Psychiatric News Alert
Risperidone may improve maladaptive behaviors in autism- Journal of Pediatric Health
Some with autism diagnosis can overcome symptoms- New York Times
Autism Early Intervention Shown to Normalize Brain activity in Children as young as 18 months of Age
White Matter Findings in Infants at High Risk for Autism
A Social Competence Intervention for Young Children with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome: A Pilot Study - autism Journal
Maternal Metabolic Conditions and Risk for Autism and Other Developmental Disorders - Pediatrics
Valproate Exposure Associated with Autism, Lower IQ - Clinical Psychiatry News
Autism Rate Climbs Again - MedPage
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Scan Uncovers 18 Genes Newly Associated With Autism
- NBC News
Increased hippocampal, thalamus and amygdala volume in long-term lithium-treated bipolar I disorder patients
- MDLinx
Small Study: Fish Oil Supplements May Help Prevent Psychosis In High-Risk Young People
- USA Today
Study Finds Differences Between Brain Activity in Youth and Adults with Bipolar Disorder - APA Psychiatric News
Migraines May Affect Outcomes in Bipolar Disorder Patients, Study Finds - APA Psychiatric News Alert
Family-Focused Therapy Reduces Bipolar-Associated Symptoms in Teens, Study Finds
- Psychiatric News Alert / APA
Bipolar individuals are more likely to attempt suicide- Archives of General Psychiatry
Brain News
Brain News
Poor Cardiovascular Fitness at 18 Linked with Early-onset Dementia, Study Finds
- Psychiatric News Alert
Blood Test Diagnoses Concussion, Gauges Severity
- MedPage Today, The Gupta Guide
Jumper Cables for the Mind
- New York Times
Small Scan Study: Brain Inflammation May Be Tied To Clinical Depression
- The Huffington Post
Nutrient Supplements Can Give Antidepressants a boost
- EurekAlert!
Family-Based Interpersonal Therapy Found Effective for Child Depression
- Psychiatric News Alert
Nearly 40% of People with Depression Miss Work
- Psychiatry Advisor
Early Life Guilt Linked with Brain Changes, Depression
- Psych Congress Network
A Review of Current Evidence for acetyl-l-Carnitine in the Treatment of Depression
New Findings on Timing and Range of Maternal Mental Illness - NYTimes
Preschoolers Can Suffer from Depression, Too - HealthDay
Sleep Therapy Seen as an Aid for Depression - NY Times
Maternal Depression in Pregnancy Tied to Greater Risk of Depression in Young Adult Offspring - APA Headlines
Do Depressed Moms Pass It On - Medpage Today
Hover no more: Helicopter parents breed depression and incompetence in children- Time
Omega-3 fatty acids for depression, revisited: The jury is coming back in- Molecular Psychiatry
A new way to make antidepressant decisions?- Translational Psychiatry
Creatine in addition to antidepressant speeds up response in depressed women- American Journal of Psychiatry
Can aspirin reduce the risk for depression?- Translational Psychiatry
Electrical stimulation eases depression- MedPage Today
Prenatal antidepressant exposure not linked to intellectual, behavioral effects- American Journal of Psychiatry
Exercise support doesn't improve depression- BMJ
Being a couch potato increases your depression risk- Psychiatric News Alert
Talking about it helps- and makes antidepressants more effective- MedPage Today
Antidepressants Show Significant Benefits - PubMed
Children of Depressed Mothers 1 Year After Remission of Maternal Depression - American Journal of Psychiatry
Mental Distress Can Be Killer - MedPage
Bullying Victimisation and Risk of Self Harm in Early Adolescents - Pub Med
Differential SSRI Response Rates in Depressed Children and Adolescents with Insomnia - Brown University
Parent Checklist: Is My Child At-Risk for Learning Issues?
- Scientific Learning
Math Anxiety Linked with Differences in Brain Functioning, Study Finds - Huffington Post
Executive Function
Executive Function
Goodnight. Sleep Clean. - The New York Times
Cool vs. Hot Executive Functioning
Better recognition memory predicts lower dementia risk- Psychiatric News Alert
Grief and Loss
Grief and Loss
Childhood bereavement contributes to future psychosis risk - medwireNews
When "Doing Everything" Is Way Too Much
- NYTimes
Parental Suicide Attempt May Predict Kids' Risk for Same
- Medpage Today
Teens With and Without Elevated Suicide Risk Have Equal Access to Guns, Study Shows
- APA Psychiatric News Alert
Early Intervention in At-Risk Children Can Reduce Psychiatric Problems in Adulthood
- APA Psychiatric News Alert
Should We All Take a Bit of Lithium?
- NY Times
Mass Job Loss Associated With Suicidal Behavior
- APA Psychiatric News Alert
Cannabis and the Heart: Is there a risk? - MedPage Today
Anti-Aging Hormone Could Make You Smarter - Health News from NPR
Stress Alters Children's Genomes - Nature (International Weekly Journal of Science)
Inside a Mental Hospital Called Jail - The New York Times
Psych Bed Shortage Threatens Public Safety - The Gupta Guide (Medpage Today)
Mentally ill face high risk of homicide- MedPage Today
Firearm deaths lower where gun laws strong- MedPage Today
Increased mortality from all causes in patients with self-harm- Lancet
Warning signs of violent acts are often unclear- New York Times
Artery damage seen in sleep apnea- MedPage Today
Increases Seen in U.S. Suicide Rate Since the Recession - New York Times
Association of Childhood Adversities and Early-Onset Mental Disorders with Adult-Onset Chronic Physical Conditions - PubMed
Movie Date Night Can Double as Therapy - The New York Times
Communication breakdown: Have e-prescriptions lived up to their promises?
- MDLinx
Contrary to Guidelines, Older Adults are Taking Benzodiazepines at High Rate
- Psych Congress Network
Many Young Adults Abusing Stimulant Medications for ADHD
- HealthDay
FDA Flags Generic Versions of ADHD Medication
- APA Psychiatric News Alert
Lavender oil preparation Silexan is effective in generalized anxiety disorter - Pubmed_NTKinstitute.org
What Does Riperidone Add to Parent Training and Stimulant for Severe Aggression in Child ADHD - JAACAP
Type of Antidepressant Doesn't Affect Teens' Risk for Suicide, Study Finds - Psychiatric News
Medications for ADHD reduces criminality- New England Journal of Medicine
Benzodiazepines may raise dementia risk- BMJ
FDA recommends lower doses for certain sleep drugs- Clinical Psychiatry News
Prenatal antipsychotic exposure impacts infant neuromotor skills- Archives of General Psychiatry
No cardiac effects seen with aripiprazole in youths with PDD- Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Predictors of treatment outcome in bipolar mania- Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Should Valproate be prescribed to adolescent females with mood disorders?
Warning about side effects may help produce them- Psychiatric News
Omega-3 Augmentation of Citalopram - abstract
Antimanic drug use in medication-naive children with bipolar
- abstract
Mortality risk in dementia varies according to individual antipsychotic
Daily Aspirin May Bolster Aging Brain, Study Shows
Antidepressants Show Significant Benefits - PubMed
A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Atomoxetine in Young Children with ADHD
No Long-Term Impact of ADHD Meds on the Brain - MedScape
Differential SSRI Response Rates in Depressed Children and Adolescents with Insomnia - Brown University
Valproate Exposure Associated with Autism, Lower IQ - Clinical Psychiatry News
Men's Issues
Men's Issues
How gender plays a role in disease expression- www.psychiatrictimes.com
Mind and Body
Mind and Body
Does high dose vitamin D supplementation enhance cognition?
- MDLinx
New guidelines for childhood obesity address treatment and prevention
- MDLinx
School-Based Excercise Program Makes Dent in Kids' Fitness
- MedPage Today
Heavy Snoring, Sleep Apnea May Signal Earlier Memory and Thinking Decline
- DocGuide.com
More evidence that exercise can help fight Alzheimer’s disease
- The Washington Post
Traumatic Brain Injury in Older Adults May Increase Dementia Risk, Study Suggests
- APA Psychiatric News Alert
Biomarkers Predict Future Cognitive Impairment
- The Scientist
Commensense Health Activities May Delay, Prevent Alzheimer's
- Psychiatric News Alert
Small Study Finds Relationship Between Shorter Sleep, Slightly Faster Rate of Cognitive Decline
- Fox News
More school, challenging work and mental engagement can delay dementia
- LATimes
White Matter Matters: Brain synchronization via the brain's communication subway system
- The Brain Clock Blog
Aerobic Activity in Young Adulthood May Preserve Midlife Cognitive Function, Study Finds - APA Psychiatry News Alert
Risk for Psychiatric Disorders Increases After Head Injury, Study Finds - APA Psychiatry News Alert
Poor Cardiovascular Fitness at Age 18 Linked with Early-onset Dementia, Study Finds
- Psychiatric News Alert
Blood Test Diagnoses Concussion, Gauges Severity - MedPage Today, The Gupta Guide
Cognitive Function May Predict Development of Chronic Pain, New Study Finds - APA Psychiatry News Alert
Study Finds that Persistent Internalizing Disorders May Lead to Accelerated Aging. APA - Psychiatric News Alert
Higher Omega-3 Levels May Help Preserve Brain Volume in Older Women. APA Headlines.
Resting the Brain Appears to Help Concussion Victims Recover - Psychiatric News
Goodnight. Sleep Clean - The New York Times
Poor sleep may signal onset of Alzheimer's- MedPage Today
New, valuable discoveries about the immune system- Psychiatric News
New data assign inflammation crucial role in mental decline- Psychiatric News
Straining to hear and fend off dementia- The New York Times
The benefits of "jogging" your memory- The New York Times
Fitness helps your memory!- MedPage Today
Smaller Amygdala Linked to Greater Vulnerability to PTSD
Mental Distress Can Be Killer - Medpage
Eating Walnuts May Improve Memory
- Psych Congress Network
The Dangers of Eating Late Night
- NYTimes
Vitamin D deficiency is an indicator of mental illness- BMC Psychiatry
Fast food increases allergy risk- MedPage Today
Reduced Omega-3 Speeds Brain Aging - MedPage
Caffeine Intake During Pregnancy and Risk of Problem Behavior in 5-6 year-old Children - Pediatrics
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Genetic Marker Linked to OCD identified - Science Daily (John Hopkind Medicine)
N-acetylcysteine for refractory OCD- Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
Add-on memantine for OCD- Journal of Psychiatry Research
Memantine augmentation for moderate to severe OCD- Journal of Psychiatric Research
N-acetylcysteine as an add-on treatment for OCD- Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
Overweight teens report bullying by peers, parents- Clinical Psychiatry News
Antidepressants during pregnancy associated with childhood language disorders
- MDLinx
When the Caregivers Need Healing
- NY Times
Early Intervention May Help Prevent Development of Antisocial Personality, Study Suggests - Psychiatric News Alert (APA)
Consequences of childhood bullying- JAMA Psychiatry
Premature birth linked to mental illness in adults- Archives of General Psychiatry
Prenatal coffee intake not linked to child behavior issues- Pediatrics
Helping parents and infants sleep- Pediatrics
Apps are especially helpful to new mothers- New York Times
Group Play Therapy Improves Social Skills in Autistic Children
CBT for Chronic Illnesses in Children
Socially Anxious Parents Show Specific Parenting Pattern
Children of Depressed Mothers 1 Year After Remission of Maternal Depression- American Journal of Psychiatry
Bullying Victimisation and Risk of Self Harm in Early Adolescents - PubMed
Caffeine Intake During Pregnancy and Risk of Problem Behavior in 5-6 year-old Children -Pediatrics
The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed
Parents of Young Adults
Parents of Young Adults
NIDA Launches Online Substance Abuse Prevention Resources for Parents
Pre-Drinking may nearly double alcohol consumption
Brain Activity May Predict Teen Binge Drinkers - Medscape
Omega-3's Are Beneficial Add-On Therapy in Schizophrenia
- Consultant 360
Early Intervention Could Change Nature of Schizophrenia
- USA Today
Genomic Analysis Yields Eight Distinct Types of Schizophrenia
- APA Psychiatric News Alert
Working memory abnormalities in early-onset schizophrenia?- Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Dietary supplement reduces schizophrenia risk- APA Psychiatric News Alert
Eliminate cognitive biases and decrease the likelihood of psychosis- Psychiatric News Alert
Early Treatment of Psychosis Improves Outcomes - Journal Watch
Certain Psychiatric Symptoms May Predispose People to Addictive Social Media or Video Game Use
- Psychiatry Advisor
Six ways for your phone to find your car- The New York Times
TV before bed may rob kids of sleep- MedPage Today
Bullying Victimisation and Risk of Self Harm in Early Adolescents - PubMed
Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse
Chronic Marijuana Users Fare Worse on Memory Tests
- Psych Congress Network
Killing Pain: Benzo 'Boost' Can Be Deadly - MedPage Today
Decriminalizing pot may land more kids in the ER - Science Daily
Drug Facts: High School and Youth Trends - NIH > National Institute on Drug Abuse
Genetic background affects response to disulfiram treatment for cocaine abuse- Biological Psychiatry
Persistent adolescent-onset cannabis use, persistent cognitive decline- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States of America
Over-the-counter treatment of cannabis use examined- American Journal of Psychiatry
Bath salt compounds outlawed- Clinical Psychiatry News
Adolescent drug use and cocaine exposure- Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Should smoking marijuana be legal?- New York Edition
Steps to Quitting Drinking - www.quitalcohol.com
Alcoholism May Shorten Life More than Smoking, Particularly for Women - NBC News
Brain Activity May Predict Teen Binge Drinkers - Medscape
A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial of N-Acetylcysteine in Cannabis- Dependent Adolescents-The American Journal of Psychiatry
Risk Taking and the Adolescent Reward System: A Potential Common Link to Substance Abuse - PubMed
Psychiatrist Goes to Battle Against Bath-Salts Abuse - Psychiatry Online
Pot smokers who quit find it harder to function- MedPage Today
Tourette's Disorder
Tourette's Disorder
Aripiprazole promising for Tourette's with co-occuring ADHD- Journal of Child and Adolescent Pharmacology
Behavior therapy for adults with Tourette's- Archives of General Psychiatry
Trauma EMDR
Trauma / EMDR
PTSD Found to Accelerate Aging Process
- Psychiatric News Alert
Smaller Amygdala Linked to Greater Vulnerability to PTSD
Studies Report Early Childhood Trauma Takes Visible Toll on Brain - Society for Neuroscience
Association of Childhood Adversities and Early-Onset Mental Disorders with Adult-Onset Chronic Physical Conditions - PubMed
Brain scans in adults show effects of childhood abuse
Women's Issues
Women's Issues
Study: Fifteen chemicals may be linked to earlier menopause
- NBC News
PTSD in Women Linked to Premature Birth
- Health Day
Link between heart disease and mental decline- MedPage Today
Alcoholism May Shorten Life More than Smoking, Particularly for Women - NBC News
Association of Childhood Adversities and Early-Onset mental Disorders with Adult-Onset Chronic Physical Conditions - PubMed
How gender plays a role in disease expression- www.psychiatrictimes.com
Work Issues
Work Issues
Recession contributes to heart attacks- APA Psychiatric News Alert
Sleepy Workers make Costly Mistakes
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